- Strona główna
- Postępowanie ID 1066170
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Postępowanie ID: 1066170 :
Wire preheater (Tele-Fonika Kable S.A. - Myslenice Plant)
UżytkownikAgnieszka Pazdalska
Wiadomość do zamawiającego
Zamieszczenia2025-02-20 12:27:00
Składania2025-02-28 16:00:00
Otwarcie ofert-
Wymagania i specyfikacja
Dear Sirs,
We invite you to submit an offer for delivery to Tele-Fonika Kable S.A. Myślenice Plant wire preheater, through the following electronic form.
Technical specifications:
a) wire size 0.45 - 2.8 mm (0.02 - 0.11 in.) 25-9 AWG Stranded wire up to 6 mm2,
b) max. line speed 2 500 m/min (8 200 ft/min),
c) max. wire temperature 190°C (370 °F)
The Ordering Party requires from the Tenderer, whose OFFER WILL BE SELECTED, to submit securities in the form bank guarantee only (the guarantee should be irrevocable and unconditional and should be payment on the first written demand and should be accordance with the attached templates to the procedure):
advance payment guarantee (In the event of advance payment, the Tenderer is obliged to submit bank or insurance advance payment guarantee for all and full advance payments that were already paid in the ratio of 1:1, valid until the delivery of the Subject Matter of the Order)
warranty for removing defects and faults in the form and with the content approved by the Contracting Entity – minimum value 10% of the net price.
If meeting above financial securities involves higher price this must be specified in the offer.
Depending on the specifics of the offer:
The Tenderer is obliged to meet / ensure all legal requirements that are related to the offered equipment or service.
If meeting legal or health and safety requirements involves a higher bid amount, this must be specified in the offer.
Please note that the tender procedure may end with the failure to select the offer in the following cases:
- insufficient funds for the execution of the contract,
- changes in the Ordering Party's demand.
The Ordering Party has the right to reject the offer if it does not meet the minimum requirements specified by the Ordering Party in the request for proposal.
In the case of:
-substantive questions, please contact Mr. Tomasz Skalka email: tomasz.skalka@tfkable.com or via the "Send a message to the Ordering Party" button
- questions related to the operation of the purchasing platform, please contact the Open Nexus Customer Support Center open from Monday to Friday on working days, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., tel. 22 101 02 02, e-mail: cwk@platformazakupowa.pl
We would like to point out that the official confirmation of the execution of the order by the Ordering Party is the sending of the order or signing the contract.
The messages from the Open Nexus have purely informative character.
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